Grade Improvement
Let us help you succeed
We use the most effective strategies to help improve student grades.
How we help students with their school subjects?
For students and parents who are more proactive in making grade improvement a priority, we are extremely effective by working side-by-side with our students, helping them to get back on track. Our expert tutors can quickly diagnose any problem areas in terms of their study habits or lack of good study skills. We understand that each student is unique and we implement a variety of strategies to motivate them to improve incrementally and prepare them for tests and exams.
Based on our experience, students who struggle with poor grades tend to do so because of major issues involving their study habits or lack of effective time management skills. Our expert tutors identify such weaknesses, coach them to adopt new study skills, and motivate them to work hard to hone these skills. We strongly believe that creating a solid foundation of good study skills following by incremental improvements are keys to a student’s success. Better grades are the “fruits” of this hard labor!

How we help students with their College & Graduate Courses?
For students transitioning to college or university life, the expectations of their professors are significantly higher than those of high school teachers. We are able to guide each college student to adjust to these differences and improve their grades as a result. Our expert tutors are able to help college students develop new time-management skills and improve their ability to meet deadlines for homework assignments including term projects. We offer proven success, working side by side with our students to help them to prepare for quizzes and exams. Through our years of experience, we have seen that students who have struggled with college level classes improve their grades, often immediately once they start working with us. Our methods really work!
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SAT&ACT Services LLC
27 Mica Lane Room 107,
Wellesley, MA 02481
(781) 535-7177